Don't settle for scary this year! Fear Farm is the most terrifying experience in Phoenix! ALL YOU FEAR IS HERE! We are celebrating out 12th year of fear, where an idyllie evening will turn into a never ending nightmare! And if you thought that Fear Farm was scary before, you ain't seen nothing yet! This year there are 4 horrific haunts...The Twizted Toy Factory, Condemned, Apocalypse and Chainsaw Mayhem. For your gruesome pleasure we also have an extreme in your face haunt, "Decimation". Some people never make it out alive...WILL YOU?!?
RULES: Stay on the pathways, no picking or throwing corn, no running, no smoking, no drugs or alcohol, no littering, no inappropriate language, no backpacks, no ice chests, no water guns or water balloons, do not touch haunters or corn cops, no cutting through the corn and no unauthorized haunting. Thank you!